The global terrorist threat does not reduce, despite the efforts of the multinational counterterrorism coalition with the active participation of the Russian Federation.
Activities of international terrorist organizations are getting more sophisticated and aggressive, aimed at increasing the number of casualties and causing the maximum damage. Terrorists use force and resource dispersal, cooperate with transnational organized crime groups, seek to gain access to weapons of mass destruction, exploit the latest breakthroughs in high-technology industries, actively indoctrinate and propagandize, recruit and train new supporters, express radical sentiments, fueled by international and internal conflicts, political crises, interethnic and interfaith contradictions.
The necessary conditions for a successful response to the global terrorist threat of this level and nature are rallying of all counter-terrorist forces, including interaction of states on the international scale, and effort coordinating of Federal Executive Bodies being responsible for the counterterrorism issues.
The activities of the National Antiterrorism Committee are guided by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2006 № 116 "On measures to combat terrorism."
Thus, following established procedure, the National Antiterrorism Committee presents proposals on the improvement of the national policy and counterterrorism priorities, including the organization of international counterterrorism collaboration, to the President of the Russian Federation. As well, the NAC coordinates activities of authorized Federal Executive Bodies on combating terrorism.
In its turn, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation coordinates activities of Federal Executive Bodies in conducting a common foreign policy in the international counterterrorist cooperation, including the activity standard of international organizations and institutions - the UN, the Group of Eight, the OSCE, the Council of Europe, the CSTO, the CIS, the SCO, APEC, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), within relationships between Russia and authoritative international organizations - the EU, NATO, the ASEAN, the OAS, as well as within bilateral relations with the partners on the international counterterrorism coalition.
The main directions of the National Antiterrorism Committee cooperation with the relevant Federal Executive Bodies are preparing proposals on the formation and improvement of the state counterterrorism policy, including taking into account the foreign experience of combating terrorism, as well as obtaining and analyzing information about the aspirations and plans of terrorist organizations, forms and methods of financial, material and other support for these organizations from abroad, and their relations with international terrorist organizations and foreign special services.
The National Antiterrorism Committee is involved in the development of proposals on strengthening and improving the international counterterrorism cooperation with the active participation of the Russian Federation, and in due course informs the Directorate of the authorized Federal Executive Bodies on planned and conducted enterprising operational and advocacy counterterrorism activities.