Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 6, 2006 “On Counteraction to Terrorism”
(amended by the Federal Law No. 505-FZ of December 31, 2014)
Adopted by the State Duma on February 26, 2006
Approved by the Council of the Federation on March 1, 2006
Federal Law No. 35-FZ of March 6, 2006
"On Counteraction to Terrorism"
(amended by the Federal Law No. 505-FZ of December 31, 2014)
This Federal Law shall establish the fundamental principles of counteraction to terrorism, the legal and organizational basics of preventing terrorism and struggling against it, of reducing to a minimum and (or) liquidating the consequences of manifestations thereof, as well as the legal and organizational basics of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in struggling against terrorism.
The legal basis of counteraction to terrorism shall be the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and rules of international law, international treaties made by the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws, normative legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation, normative legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as normative legal acts of other bodies of state power adopted in compliance with them.
Counteraction to terrorism in the Russian Federation shall be based on the following fundamental principles:
1) ensuring and protecting fundamental civil and human rights and freedoms;
2) lawfulness;
3) prioritizing the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of persons at risk of being affected by terrorism;
4) inevitability of punishment for the exercise of terrorist activity;
5) systematic approach and complex use of political, informational-propagandistic, socioeconomic, legal, special and other measures of counteraction to terrorism;
6) cooperation of the State with public and religious associations, international and other organizations, as well as with citizens, in counteraction to terrorism;
7) priority of preventive measures against terrorism;
8) undivided authority in directing the personnel and materiel involved in conducting counterterrorism operations;
9) combination of public and private methods of counteraction to terrorism;
10) confidentiality of information concerning special means, techniques and tactics of taking measures against terrorism, as well as concerning the identity of those taking part in the said measures;
11) inadmissibility of political concessions to terrorists;
12) reduction to minimum and (or) liquidation of the consequences of terrorist manifestations;
13) adequacy of measures aimed at counteraction to terrorism to the degree of terrorist danger.
The following basic concepts are used in this Federal Law:
1) terrorism shall mean the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing the adoption of a decision by state power bodies, local self-government bodies or international organizations connected with intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of unlawful violent actions;
2) terrorist activity shall mean activity including the following:
a) arranging, planning, preparing, financing and implementing an act of terrorism;
b) instigation of an act of terrorism;
c) establishment of an unlawful armed unit, criminal association (criminal organization) or an organized group for the implementation of an act of terrorism, as well as participation in such a structure;
d) recruiting, arming, training and using terrorists;
e) informational or other assistance to planning, preparing or implementing an act of terrorism;
f) promotion of terrorist ideas, dissemination of materials or information calling for terrorist activities, substantiating or justifying the necessity of such activities;
3) an act of terrorism shall mean perpetrating an explosion, arson or other actions connected with intimidating the population and posing the risk of loss of life, of causing considerable damage to property, as well as other especially grave consequences, for the purpose of unlawful influence upon the adoption of a decision by state power bodies, local self-government bodies or international organizations, as well as the threat of committing the said actions for the same purpose;
4) counteraction to terrorism shall mean the activity of state power bodies and local self-government bodies aimed at the following:
a) prevention of terrorism, including the detection and subsequent removal of the reasons and conditions conducive to committing acts of terrorism (preventing terrorism);
b) detection, prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of an act of terrorism (struggle against terrorism);
c) reduction to a minimum and (or) liquidation of terrorist manifestations;
5) a counterterrorism operation shall mean a complex group of special, combat, military, and other measures accompanied by the use of military equipment, weapons and special equipment, aimed at suppressing an act of terrorism, neutralizing terrorists, ensuring the security of individuals, organizations and institutions, as well as at reducing to a minimum the consequences of an act of terrorism.
6) counterterrorism protection of an object (territory) shall mean a protection state of a building, a contraction, or another object, as well as crowded places, that prevents an act of terrorism. In this context “crowded places” must be understood as a public area of a settlement or a city district, as well as a specially designated area outside thereof or a public place in a building, a contraction, or another object, where over fifty people may be simultaneously under certain circumstances.
1. The Russian Federation, in compliance with international treaties made by it, shall cooperate in the struggle against terrorism with foreign states, their law enforcement bodies and special services, as well as with international organizations.
2. The Russian Federation, being guided by the interests of ensuring the safety of individuals, the public and the State, shall prosecute on its territory the persons who are accused (suspected) of involvement in terrorism, in compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
1. The President of the Russian Federation shall:
1) define the principal directions of state policy in regards to counteraction to terrorism;
2) define the scope of authority of the federal executive bodies whose activities are directed by him in the area of the struggle against terrorism;
3) take the decision following due procedure on the use of the units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and special-purpose units outside the territory of the Russian Federation for counteracting terrorist activities directed against the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation or stateless persons residing permanently in the Russian Federation.
2. The Government of the Russian Federation shall:
1) determine the scope of competence of the federal executive bodies whose activities are directed by it as regards to counteraction to terrorism;
2) organize the development and implementation of measures aimed at the prevention of terrorism and reduction to a minimum and (or) the liquidation of the consequences of terrorist manifestations;
3) organize the provision of the activities of the federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies aimed at counteraction to terrorism, with the required personnel, materiel, and resources;
4) define binding demands on counterterrorism protection of an object (territory), a type of objects (territory), the way in which the said demands can be developed and controlled, as well as the development and a safety certificate model of these objects (territory) (excluding transport infrastructure, vehicles, as well as fuel and energy complex).
3. The federal executive bodies, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies shall counteract terrorism within the scope of competence thereof.
3.1. Individuals, engaging in entrepreneurial activity without legal personality or using their own property for social, charitable, cultural, educational and other non-profit oriented public benefit purposes, shall comply with the demands on their legally-owned objects.
4. For the purpose of ensuring the coordination of the activities of the federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in counteraction to terrorism, there may be established by decision of the President of the Russian Federation bodies composed of representatives of the federal government, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other persons. To implement their decisions the said bodies may issue acts (joint acts) of the said bodies whose representatives are included into the composition of the appropriate body.
5. In order to inform the population timely about emerging terrorist threat and about organizing counterterrorism activities of the federal executive bodies, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies, sited in Part 4 of this Article, levels of terrorist threat may be determined, including adoption of additional measures, which do not restrict the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen, on protection of individuals, the public and the State. The procedure for establishing levels of terrorist threat, as well as the content of the additional measures on protection of individuals, the public and the State, are determined by the President of the Russian Federation.
1. The highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the Head of the highest executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) shall:
1) organize the implementation of the State policy in the struggle against terrorism in the territory of a constituent entity;
2) coordinate the activities of the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prevention of terrorism, as well as in the reduction to a minimum and (or) the liquidation of the consequences of terrorist manifestations.
3) organize the activities of the body composed of representatives of the federal government, the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other persons, which is cited in Part 4, Article 5 of this Federal Law and established by decision of the President of the Russian Federation.
2. The highest executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation shall:
1) organize the development and implementation of measures and State programmes of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prevention of terrorism, the reduction to a minimum and the liquidation of the consequences of terrorist manifestations;
2) take measures to eliminate the factors that give rise to conflicts conducive to committing acts of terrorism and forming the social basis of terrorism with the monitoring results of socio-political, socio-economic and other processes in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
3) organize the adoption of measures on identifying and eliminating the factors that give rise to the propaganda of the ideology of terrorism in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
4) be involved in the social rehabilitation of terrorism victims in the constituent territory of the Russian Federation and of persons engaged in counteraction to terrorism, as well as in the reparation for damages to individuals and entities suffering from an act of terrorism;
5) organize training programmes to prevent terrorism, to reduce to a minimum and to liquidate the consequences of terrorist manifestations for residents of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
6) organize the participation of the executive bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies in conducting exercises to strengthen cooperation between the said bodies in counteraction to terrorism;
7) organize compliance with the demands on counterterrorism protection of an object (territory), owned by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or run by state power bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, by individuals and entities;
8) keep forces and facilities of the executive bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in a state of constant alert to reduce to a minimum and to liquidate the consequences of terrorist manifestations;
9) provide medical and other assistance to victims of terrorism in the constituent territory of the Russian Federation and to persons engaged in the prevention of terrorism, emergency crash and rescue operations, reestablishment of proper functioning and environmental security of damaged and destroyed objects in the case of committing an act of terrorism in the constituent territory of the Russian Federation;
10) provide interregional cooperation for studying the issues of the terrorism prevention, the reduction to a minimum and the liquidation of the consequences of terrorist manifestations.
In the struggle against terrorism the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation may be used for the following:
1) preventing flights of aircraft used for committing an act of terrorism or seized by terrorists;
2) preventing acts of terrorism in the inland waters and in the territorial sea of the Russian Federation, at the seaside facilities used for industrial activities which are located on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, as well as for ensuring safe national maritime traffic;
3) participating in an counterterrorism operation in the procedure provided for by this Federal Law;
4) suppressing international terrorist activities outside the Russian Federation.
1. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall use their weapons and military equipment in the procedure established by normative legal acts of the Russian Federation for the purpose of removing the threat of a terrorist act in the air or for the purpose of suppressing such a terrorist act.
2. If an aircraft does not respond to radio commands of ground control centers to stop violating the rules of using the airspace of the Russian Federation and (or) to radio commands and visual signals of the aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation sent to intercept it, or refuses to follow radio commands or visual signals without explaining the reasons for it, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall use their weapons and military equipment for preventing the flight of the said aircraft by way of forcing it to land. If the air craft does not obey the demand to land and there is a real danger of the loss of life or the onset of an ecological catastrophe, the weapons and military equipment shall be used for preventing the flight of the said aircraft by way of destroying it.
3. If there is reliable information about a probable use of an aircraft for committing an act of terrorism or about the seizure of an aircraft and, with that, all measures possible under the circumstances for its landing have been taken and there is a real danger of the loss of life or the onset of an ecological catastrophe, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall use their weapons and military equipment for preventing the flight of the said aircraft by way of destroying it.
1. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall use weapons and military equipment in the procedure established by normative legal acts of the Russian Federation for the purpose of removing the threat of an act of terrorism in the inland waters, in the territorial sea, on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation and when ensuring the safety of national maritime traffic, and also under water, or for the purpose of suppressing such terrorist act.
2. Where sea or river vessels or ships (watercraft) do not respond to commands and (or) signals to stop violating the rules of using the water (under water) area of the Russian Federation or refuse to obey the demands to stop, the weapons of the military ships (air craft) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be used for forcing the water - craft to stop for the purpose of removing the threat of an act of terrorism. If a watercraft does not obey the demands to stop and (or) it is impossible to force it to stop and, with this, all measures possible under the circumstances to stop it have been taken and there is a real danger of the loss of life or the onset of an ecological catastrophe, the weapons of the military ships (aircraft) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be used for preventing the movement of the watercraft by way of destroying it.
1. Subdivisions and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be deployed in an counterterrorism operation by decision of the head of the counterterrorism operation in the procedure determined by normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
2. Formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be deployed in an counterterrorism operation by decision of the President of the Russian Federation in the procedure determined by normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
3. Subdivisions, military units and formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation deployed in an counterterrorism operation shall use military equipment, weapons and special equipment in compliance with the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
1. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in compliance with the international treaties made by the Russian Federation, this Federal Law and other federal laws shall suppress international terrorist activities outside the Russian Federation by means of the following:
1) using weapons from the territory of the Russian Federation against terrorists and (or) their centers located abroad;
2) using subdivisions, units and formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for accomplishing tasks aimed at suppressing international terrorist activities outside the Russian Federation.
2. A decision to use the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation from the territory of the Russian Federation against terrorists and (or) their centers located abroad shall be taken by the President of the Russian Federation.
3. A decision to use outside the Russian Federation subdivisions, units and formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for accomplishing tasks aimed at suppressing international terrorist activities (hereinafter referred to as formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation) shall be taken by the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of the appropriate decision of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.
4. The total strength of formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, areas of their operations, tasks set for them, the time period for their staying outside the Russian Federation and the procedure for their replacement shall be determined by the President of the Russian Federation.
5. This Part is no longer valid according to the Federal Law No. 153-FZ of July 27, 2006.
6. A decision to withdraw formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be taken by the President of the Russian Federation, if:
1) they have accomplished the tasks of suppressing international terrorist activities set for them;
2) their further stay outside the Russian Federation is inexpedient.
7. The President of the Russian Federation shall inform the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of withdrawing the formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
8. Military servicemen shall be recruited for the formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to be sent outside the Russian Federation of their own free will from among those carrying out military service on a contractual basis. These servicemen shall receive special training prior to their deployment.
9. The formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation shall be provided with material and technical resources, and their personnel shall be provided with medical care and supported in other ways by the Government of the Russian Federation.
10. To support the activities of the formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation shall decide on sending outside the Russian Federation civil personnel of their own free will. The Government of the Russian Federation shall determine the areas of the activities of the said personnel, tasks set for them, the time period for their stay outside the Russian Federation, the procedure for their replacement and also handle the issue of their support.
11. A decision to withdraw the civil personnel sent outside the Russian Federation in compliance with Part 10 of this Article shall be taken by the President of the Russian Federation concurrently with a decision to withdraw the formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. A decision to withdraw the said civil personnel shall also be taken by the President of the Russian Federation or, on the instructions thereof, by the Government of the Russian Federation, if further stay of these personnel outside the Russian Federation becomes inexpedient.
1. For the purpose of suppressing and disclosing an act of terrorism, reducing to a minimum its consequences and protecting the vital interests of individuals, the public and the State, the legal regime of an counterterrorism operation may be established for the period of conducting it and within the limits of the territory where it is to be conducted by decision of the official who has decided to conduct it in compliance with Part 2 of Article 12 of this Federal Law.
2. A decision to establish the legal regime of a counterterrorism operation (specifying, in particular, the territory (a list of the sites) where such a regime is to be established and a list of measures to be taken and of temporary restrictions) and a decision to cancel the legal regime of an antiterrorist operation shall be subject to immediate promulgation.
3. It shall be allowable to take the following measures and to establish the following temporary restrictions in the procedure provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the territory (sites) where the legal regime of a counterterrorism operation is established, for the time period of conducting it:
1) checking individuals’ documents verifying their identity and, if they do not have such documents, delivery of the said persons to the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation (or to another appropriate authoritative body) for their identification;
2) removal of individuals from some areas and sites, as well as towage of transport vehicles therefrom;
3) reinforcement of the maintenance of public order, of guarding the sites subject to state protection and the facilities providing for the vital needs of the population and the functioning of transport, as well as the sites of special material, historical, scientific, artistic or cultural value;
4) exercising control over telephone communications and over other information transmitted over telecommunication channels, as well as searching electric communication channels and post for information concerning the circumstances of committing an act of terrorism and the persons who have prepared and committed it, as well as for the purpose of preventing other terrorist acts;
5) using transport vehicles owned by organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership (except for transport vehicles of diplomatic representative offices, consular offices and other institutions of foreign states and international organizations) and, in case of emergency, also transport vehicles owned by individuals for delivering the individuals in need of urgent medical aid to medical institutions, as well as for following the persons suspected of committing an act of terrorism if a delay can pose a real danger of the loss of life or health. A procedure for reimbursement of the expenses connected with such use of transport vehicles shall be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;
6) suspending the operation of dangerous production facilities and organizations where explosive, radioactive, chemically or biologically active substances are used;
7) suspending provision of communication services to legal entities and individuals or restricting the use of communication networks or means of communication;
8) temporary relocation of individuals residing within the limits of the territory where the legal regime of an antiterrorist operation is established to safe regions with the obligation to provide such persons with stationary or temporary housing;
9) introduction of quarantine, taking sanitary and anti-epidemic, veterinary and other quarantine measures;
10) restricting the traffic of transport vehicles and the movement of pedestrians in the streets, along the roads, in some locations and at specific sites;
11) free access of persons engaged in an antiterrorist operation to residential and other premises owned by individuals and onto land plots belonging to them, to the territories and to the premises of organizations, regardless of their forms of ownership, for taking measures aimed at combating terrorism;
12) inspecting, upon their entry (driving) into the territory, where the legal regime of a counterterrorism operation is established, and upon their exit (driving) out of the said territory, of individuals and the items they have with them, as well as inspecting transport vehicles and the items carried by them, in particular with the use of special equipment;
13) restricting or banning the sale of weapons, ammunition, explosives, personal defence items and poisonous substances, the establishment of a special procedure for the circulation of medicines and preparations containing narcotic substances, psychotropic or strong substances, ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products.
14) the restriction or the suspension of the activities of private detective and security agencies.
4. Both the whole set of the measures and temporary restrictions provided for by Part 3 of this Article or individual measures and temporary restrictions may be taken (established) on some parts of the territory (at the sites) where the regime of a counterterrorism operation is established.
1. A counterterrorism operation shall be conducted for the purpose of suppressing a terrorist attack, if it is impossible to suppress it by other forces or ways.
2. The decision to conduct a counterterrorism operation and to terminate it shall be taken by the head of the federal executive body in charge of security or, on the instructions thereof, by another official of the federal executive body in charge of security, or by the head of a local agency of the federal executive body in charge of security unless directed otherwise by the head of the federal executive body in charge of security.
3. Where considerable personnel and materiel are required for conducting a counterterrorism operation and it is to be conducted on a territory with a large number of residents, the head of the federal executive body in charge of security shall notify of establishing the legal regime of a counterterrorism operation and of the territory where it is to be conducted the President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and, if necessary, other officials.
1. A counterterrorism operation shall be directed by the head thereof who shall be held personally responsible for conducting it.
2. The head of a counterterrorism operation:
1) shall determine the structure and working procedure of the control headquarters, as well as the tasks and functions of the officials included into the staff of the operational headquarters;
2) shall determine the composition of the personnel and materiel required for conducting the counterterrorism operation, and shall decide on the necessity of involving other persons in the work of the control headquarters;
3) shall give orders to the operational headquarters, as to the preparation of estimates and proposals concerning the implementation of the counterterrorism operation;
4) in the procedure, determined by normative legal acts of the federal executive body in charge of security coordinated with the federal executive bodies in charge of defence, internal affairs, justice, foreign affairs, civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and people’s safety in or near bodies of water, shall attract the resources of these bodies, as well as of other federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which are required for conducting the counterterrorism operation and reducing to a minimum the consequences of an act of terrorism;
5) shall appoint a representative of the operational headquarters responsible for media and public relations;
6) shall determine the territory (sites) where the legal regime of an counterterrorism operation is to be imposed and shall establish a set of measures and temporary restrictions provided for by Part 3 of Article 11 of this Federal Law, immediately notifying thereof the official who has decided to conduct the counterterrorism operation;
7) shall take the decision and make the combat order to conduct the counterterrorism operation;
8) shall exercise other powers related to the direction of the counterterrorism operation.
1. The head of the Operational Coordination Center and the staff thereof shall be determined in the procedure established by the President of the Russian Federation.
2. The Operational Coordination Center:
1) shall collect data on the situation, shall generalize, analyze and evaluate information for the purpose of determining the nature and scale of the act of terrorism being prepared or committed;
2) shall prepare estimates and proposals as to the implementation of the counterterrorism operation;
3) shall work out a plan for conducting the counterterrorism operation and, upon approval of the said plan, shall ensure control over implementation thereof;
4) shall prepare combat orders and other documents defining the procedure for preparing and conducting the counterterrorism operation and the legal regime of the antiterrorist operation;
5) shall facilitate the interaction between the personnel and materiel engaged in the counterterrorism operation.
1. An act of terrorism shall be suppressed by personnel and materiel of the federal security service, as well as by the group of personnel and materiel formed.
2. To conduct a counterterrorism operation a group of personnel and materiel shall be formed by decision of the head of the antiterrorist operation.
3. The group of personnel and materiel may include subdivisions, military units and formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, subdivisions of the federal executive bodies in charge of security, defence, internal affairs, justice, civil defence, protection of the population and territories against emergency situations, ensuring fire safety and people’s safety in or near bodies of water and of other federal executive bodies, as well as subdivisions of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
4. The undivided command over the personnel and materiel within the group, including re-subordination of the representatives and subdivisions of the federal executive bodies specified in Part 3 of this Article, shall belong to the head of the counterterrorism operation. All military servicemen, officials and specialists involved in the counterterrorism operation shall report to the head of the antiterrorist operation from the start of the antiterrorist operation and to the end thereof.
5. From the time when the head of the counterterrorism operation gives the order to start the counterterrorism operation, heads of the subdivisions within the group of personnel and materiel shall directly control the subdivisions headed by them and the resources attached to them. The interference of any other person with the control of these subdivisions, regardless of the office held by that person, except the head of the counterterrorism operation, shall not be permitted.
6. The subdivisions of the federal executive bodies specified in Part 3 of this Article which participate in the counterterrorism operation shall use military equipment, weapons and special equipment in compliance with normative legal acts of the Russian Federation.
1. To save the life and health of people the persons specially authorized by the head of the antiterrorist operation shall be allowed to negotiate.
2. In negotiations with terrorists the political demands made by them must not be considered.
1. A counterterrorism operation shall be deemed terminated if the act of terrorism has been suppressed and the threat to life, health, property and other legitimate interests of the people located on the territory where the counterterrorism operation was conducted has been removed.
2. The person who decided to conduct the counterterrorism operation shall declare the operation terminated on the proposal of the head of the operation.
1. The State shall make, according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, compensation payments to the individuals and legal entities that have suffered damage as a result of an act of terrorism.
1.1. According to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, by the Civil Procedure Act, reparation for damages, including moral injury, caused as a result of an act of terrorism, shall be compensated at the expense of the persons who committed it, as well as at the expense of his\her immediate relatives, other relatives and close friends upon appropriate grounds for believing the money, assets and property to be emanated from terrorist activities and (or) to be proceeds of such property. The claim on the reparation for damages to life or health, caused as a result of an act of terrorism, is not liable to the statute of limitations. The said claims shall be subject to a period of limitation within the statute of limitations for prosecution for committing an act of terrorism.
1.2. The federal executive bodies combating terrorism within their powers and mandated to conduct criminal investigations are authorized to claim for verification of the legal origin of the money, assets, property and proceeds thereof of the terrorist’s immediate relatives, other relatives and close friends upon appropriate grounds for believing the property to be emanated from terrorist activities and (or) to be proceeds of such property. The said persons are obliged to provide claimed information. The right of claiming for the said information extends to money, assets, property and proceeds generated since the person’s involvement in the terrorist activity was established. In the absence of reliable information on the legal origin of the money, assets, property and proceeds thereof the relevant material is referred to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. According to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, by the Civil Procedure Act, on receiving this material the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or his subordinate prosecutors shall turn to the Court to confiscate the money, assets, property and proceeds without the confirmation of their legal origin.
2. The damage inflicted in the course of suppressing an act of terrorism by lawful actions shall be compensated from the federal budget in compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. The damage inflicted in the course of suppressing an act of terrorism by lawful actions to the health and property of a person participating in the act of terrorism, as well as the damage caused by the death of this person, shall not be reimbursable.
1. The social rehabilitation of victims of an act of terrorism, as well as of the persons specified in Article 20 of this Federal Law, shall include psychological, medical and professional rehabilitation, legal aid, employment assistance and the provision of housing, shall be effected for the purpose of social adaptation of victims of an act of terrorism and for the purpose of their integration into society and shall be financed from the federal budget according to the procedure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation as well as from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on whose territory the act of terrorism was committed and from other sources provided for by the laws of the Russian Federation.
2. For the persons specified in Article 20 of the present Federal Law other rehabilitation measures, apart from social rehabilitation, could be provided for in the federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
1. Persons participating in the struggle against terrorism shall be protected by the State and shall be subject to legal and social protection. The said persons shall include:
1) military servicemen, officials and specialists of the federal executive bodies and other state bodies engaged in the struggle against terrorism;
2) persons assisting on a permanent or temporary basis the federal executive bodies engaged in the struggle against terrorism in detecting, preventing, suppressing, disclosing and investigating acts of terrorism and reducing to a minimum the consequences thereof ;
3) family members of the persons specified in Items 1 and 2 of this Part, if the need for their protection is caused by the participation of the said persons in the struggle against terrorism.
2. Social protection of the persons participating in the struggle against terrorism shall be provided with respect of the legal status of such persons established by the federal laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation and in the procedure set by the Government of the Russian Federation.
1. Reparation shall be made for damage caused to the life, health and property of the persons specified in Article 20 of this Federal Law in connection with their participation in the struggle against terrorism in compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
2. In the event of death of a person who participated in counterterrorist activities, a one-time allowance in the amount of six hundred thousand roubles shall be paid to the family members and the dependants of the deceased, and they shall be guaranteed that their position in the waiting list for the provision of housing and the compensation in respect of their payment for rent and public utilities expenses shall be preserved, if they were entitled to such compensations. Disabled family members and the dependants of the deceased shall be granted pensions due to the loss of the breadwinner.
3. If a person who participated in counterterrorist activities was injured and has become disabled this person shall be paid from the federal budget a one-time allowance in the amount of three hundred thousand roubles and granted a pension in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. If a person who participated in counterterrorist activities received a wound which did not lead to a disability, this person shall be paid a one-time allowance in the amount of one hundred thousand roubles.
5. If the property of a person who participated in counterterrorist activities was lost or damaged, this person shall be entitled to the reimbursement of its value according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
6. If in compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation a number of grounds exist for making the said one-time payments only one allowance shall be paid at the recipient’s choice.
Depriving a person who is committing a terrorist act of life, as well as causing damage to the health and property of such person or to other legitimate interests of individuals, the public or the State, while suppressing a terrorist act or taking other measures pertaining to the struggle against terrorism by means of the actions provided for or allowed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, shall be lawful.
The long service record (working record) of the military servicemen and employees of the federal executive bodies who carry out (have carried out) service in the subdivisions that are directly engaged (have been directly engaged) in the struggle against terrorism shall be calculated for granting pensions by way of counting one day of service as being equal to a day and a half, while the time of direct participation in counterterrorism operations shall be calculated by way of counting one day of service as being equal to three days thereof.
2. Periods of direct participation of military servicemen and officials of the federal executive bodies and of other state bodies in counterterrorism operations for privileged calculation of the long service record (working record) as regards granting pensions shall be established according to the procedure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. The President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation shall establish for the military servicemen and officials of the federal executive bodies and of other state bodies directly participating in the struggle against terrorism bonuses above the salaries corresponding to their military posts (official salaries) and may grant them additional guarantees and compensations.
1. The establishment and activities in the Russian Federation of organizations whose goals or actions are aimed at the promotion, justification or support of terrorism or at committing the crimes provided for by Articles 205, 206, 208, 211, 277-280, 282.1, 282.2 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation shall be prohibited.
2. An organization shall be recognized as terrorist and shall be subject to liquidation (and its activities shall be subject to prohibition) by court decision on the basis of a request of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or of the prosecutor subordinate to him if on behalf or in the interests of this organization the crimes provided for by Articles 205, 206, 208, 211, 277-280, 282.1, 282.2 and 360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are arranged, prepared and committed, as well as if the said actions are committed by a person who controls the exercise by this organization of its rights and discharge of its duties. A court decision to liquidate the organization (to prohibit its activities) shall extend to regional and other structural subdivisions of the organization.
3. The property of the organization liquidated for the reasons provided for by this Article, left after satisfying the creditors’ claims, shall be subject to confiscation and for the benefit of the State according to the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The decision to confiscate the said property for the benefit of the State shall be taken by court concurrently with the decision to liquidate the organization.
4. The provisions of this Article shall extend to foreign and international organizations, as well as to their branches, affiliates and representative offices in the Russian Federation.
5. The federal executive body in charge of security shall keep a unified federal list of organizations, including foreign and international organizations, found to be terrorist ones by the courts of the Russian Federation. The said list shall be subject to publication in the official periodicals determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
1. Monetary remuneration may be paid from the federal budget to persons providing assistance in the detection, prevention, suppression, disclosure and investigation of an act of terrorism, in the detection and apprehension of persons who are preparing or committing such act or of those who have committed such act.
2. The financial sources for the monetary remuneration shall be determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.
3. The sums of, grounds and procedure for paying the monetary remuneration shall be determined by the federal executive body in charge of security.
1. As of the date of entry into force of this Federal Law the following shall be declared invalid:
1) Articles 1-16, 18, 19, 21 and 23-27 of Federal Law No. 130-FZ of July 25, 1998 “On the Struggle against Terrorism” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 1998, No. 31, Article 3808);
2) Federal Law No. 144-FZ of November 21, 2002 “On Additions to the Federal Law ‘On the Struggle against Terrorism’” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 2002, No. 47, Article 4634);
3) Article 33 of Federal Law No. 86-FZ of June 30, 2003 “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, Declaring Invalid Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Providing Certain Guarantees to Officials of the Internal Affairs Bodies, the Bodies Monitoring the Circulation of Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances and the Federal Tax Police Bodies to Be Dissolved in Connection with Taking Measures Aimed at Improving State Administration” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 2003, No. 27, Article 2700).
2. The following shall be declared invalid as of January 1, 2007:
1) Federal Law No. 130-FZ of July 25, 1998 “On the Struggle against Terrorism” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 1998, No. 31, Article 3808);
2) Item 22 of Article 4 of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 7, 2000 “On the Procedure for Establishing the Amount of Financial Student Aid and Social Payments in the Russian Federation” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 2000, No. 33, Article 3348);
3) Article 106 of Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004 “On Amendments to Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Declaring Invalid Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Due to the Adoption of the Federal Laws “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive State Power Bodies of the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation” and “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation” (Sobranie Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoi Federatsii, 2004, No. 35, Article 3607).
1. This Federal Law shall enter into force as of the date of the official publication thereof, except for Articles 18, 19, 21 and 23 of this Federal Law.
2. Articles 18, 19, 21 and 23 of this Federal Law shall enter into force as of January 1, 2007.
President of the Russian Federation V. Putin
Moscow, the Kremlin
March 6, 2006
No. 35-FZ